Project type
    Computing / Digital transformation

    Introducing a Data Storage System for Electronic Document Management

    • background
    • about the customer
    • our results
    • new business opportunities
    • project implementation framework
    • other case studies

    project background

    alt text

    Over decades, FUIB has gained a reputation of a reliable financial advisor for millions of clients. It is vital to feel today’s dynamics and implement effective technological solutions to keep this momentum.

    E-document management is currently among these solutions. It can dramatically enhance the performance of the company internal processes allowing for faster and more efficient service provision to customers. For this reason, the Bank’s representatives asked us to upgrade the system to ensure the high level of document storage safety.

    about the customer





    About company

    FUIB is a reliable bank aiming to be a financial advisor and assistant for both private individuals and corporate clients, foresee their expectations and needs, and offer efficient solutions.

    Business in numbers


    our results

    task immersion

    Audit of the data storage system and the existing load and characteristics of files to customize solutions based on the company’s needs. The customer was looking for an efficient solution for processing ordinary documents and a considerable amount of images.


    We have decided to use a Dell EMC Isilon system with broad functionality and scale-out of a single cluster up to 40 PB of data. This scale-out NAS system is a highly efficient and fault-tolerant storage of active archives.


    Introducing a data storage system for electronic document management. The customer got a state-of-the-art, productive, user-friendly system that can handle ongoing tasks and scale up or down fast and cost-effectively whenever necessary.

    technological results:

    • Enhanced efficiency of data storage.
    • Higher level of reliability and security of data storage.
    • Streamlined access to archives.

    new business opportunities

    saving costs

    A significant reduction in storage costs due to the system ability to scale up or down quickly as needed.


    Increased efficiency of the data storage system that resulted in better e-document management. Streamlined access to archives and a higher level of reliability and security.

    project implementation framework


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